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Really cute, the character art is great! I love that you put the effort in to make different expressions for the characters based on their responses, it actually made me feel a bit guilty when I chose the 'bad' options (which is good!).  If you were to develop it further, I think it'd be interesting to have the characters interact with each other, such as being able to meet more than one of them at the party, and then meet up with the ones you met at the fair (maybe two of them don't like each other? :o ).

Love the art for this game! But in some of the parts the character’s image is in front of the texts, so it is hard to read. Overall, the concept is great!  

The game was fun, but I think the dialog was too long to keep someone interested. 

I love the representations of all the majors into these upperclassmen, also the art is sooooo good! one thing though is some of the art in aspens run didn't show up for me. But otherwise super solid game!

The “he looks dejected” screen after you say you only like 2D has some funky stuff going on with the images; I can’t actually click any of the options that are there. I’ve found this problem also if you talk to the animation student and follow them back to their studio; I can’t progress past a certain point since their icon is in the way. I appreciate the number of bad endings you’ve planned out; I enjoyed being a little bit rude and knowing I was going to get a bad ending.

The theme is clear and I like the visuals you created that make me step into the story. The game format of talking to the characters and seeing different personalities works well.  And I like the expression changes on the character's face that matches with the stories. 

Viability: Totally playable from beginning to end, no dead ends that I could find. Nice!

Presentation: Really great illustrations! I think it added a lot to the gameplay to see the environments and other characters you were interacting with.

Theme: Thought the theme was great and works well for a choice-based dating sim. "Will you pick your major based on who you think is sexiest? Absolutely!" is such a fun concept I really like how you are playing with this in the game design and writing.

Engagement: Very engaging story structure and I felt compelled to get all the way to the end to see where the story went. If you continue with this project I would love to see more dialogue options that fall in between "good" and bad" to make the interactions more complex, maybe even adding some incentives for choosing a "bad" answer vs a "good" answer could add some depth. But overall really good engaging narrative!

The art of romance: I found a small bug that gave me a chuckle. I was in Aspen’s studio for the first time and looked at their camera and the set up, and they comedically blocked the entire bit of text and made it so that path couldn’t be continued. It’s like they’re trying to hide something hehe. There are also a couple of broken images on those two pages as well, though I don’t know if that is a result of Aspen taking over the screen. The concept and characters are very cute!

Wow, this is a lot of fun! It definitely makes me want to go back and explore all the different dialogue options. Unfortunately, the game seems to have bugged out when choosing "I like 2D only" with the ceramics major - his image was on top of the text and I couldn't select any options. My one other note would be that your environment images were a little dark - I had my computer on about half brightness and could barely see the party scene. But that's just a little thing, the characters are super cute and I love that they each have their own distinct personality!

EEEEE so cute! I agree that the options were pretty narrow, but that's understandable with how little time we had to do this. But if you decide to do this for your final, I would allow the player some more chances to talk to characters they haven't yet throughout the game. Really cute game. Love the art!

The character designs are so cute! I wish I had a little more autonomy as a player character, I felt as though once I made one choice (which person to talk to) I didn't really have any other choices other than good answer/bad answer. The characters also have really similar arcs; it'd be interesting if the characters behaved differently after you spoke to them the first time, instead of all taking you to their studios, and going to the fair.